Sukin Hydrating Facial Masque | Love it or leave it?

As an oily skin type, I typically avoid hydrating facial masks like the plague. I've done this for years, always under the impression that adding more moisture to my skin will intensify my already greasy situation. Turns out I was incredibly wrong and this 'common sense' approach actually resulted in much oilier skin during these years of blissful unawareness! Applying moisturizing products to oily skin actually helps reduce the oil production, as the skin no longer needs to over produce oil to balance itself out.

 So anyway, I'm going to stop blabbering and get on with todays post - I was lucky enough to get the chance to try the new Sukin Hydrating Facial Masque prior to it's upcoming release in March 2016. Sukin has a long standing history for it's natural skincare, and the Hydrating Facial Mask is no exception, being comprised of Avocado, Pineapple, Olive & Mango, amongst other natural oils. It's also free of any nasties and parabens - always a plus!

The mask promises to deeply hydrate the skin, leaving a dewier complexion and skin that is soft to the touch. The packaging is simple, which we all know I'm a huge fan of, the jar is plastic (it's always good to know that products are 'Nikkia proof' AKA they can be dropped!) and I really like that the ingredients are listed on the actual label, rather than only being listed on the box - that way they are always handy when I need to check something at a later date.

The actual mask looks like a typical deep hydration cream, its colorless, thick & creamy. The scent is minimal if anything it smells like Sorbolene cream - as all Sukin products are free of synthetic fragrances. It applies to the face like a moisturizer, but rather than sinking it to the skin it remains on the surface, almost developing a skin on the surface. The instructions state to leave the mask on for 15 minutes, but I must admit on nearly every occasion that I wore it for well over 30 minutes as once it's on the face it's very easy to forget that it's even there!

After rinsing off the mask with warm water (as per the instructions) your skin feels incredibly soft, hydrated and not at all greasy. I didn't notice an immediate improvement in brightness or any alteration in pigmentation. I have used the mask consistently twice weekly for 3 weeks now and can definitely say at this point that there has been some improvement in the overall appearance of my skin, it looks visibly more dewy and radiant. But what's more exciting is the decrease I have noticed in the oil production. My skins moisture levels have obviously balanced themselves out since routinely replacing hydration with the mask and as a result no longer needing to 'over produce' oil as much. Don't get me wrong, it's not a miracle cure and my skin is still oily, but theres certainly a noticeable improvement.

It's a simple product to use, non irritating and feels refreshing on the skin. If your lacking hydration in your life, or even struggling with a little too much hydration like myself, this one is definitely worth checking out! It will be available late March and won't break the budget at $15.95 AUD.

I hope you are all having a wonderful day! I hiked over 6 kilometers up and down a mountain this morning so will be enjoying some much needed couch time!

Love & Lipstick.
NJ x

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